

New Location Found

We will be going to an abandoned house soon. We will update soon with images.


Bedroom Image #2

This image was taken on the shelf in of the small boy's bedroom. In the center of this image, you see a grey circle. We call these orbs nothing more special than an "Orb". These Orbs are known to appear when a spirit is around.

Bedroom Image #1

This image was taken in the bedroom of a young boy. Notice the small figure in the bottom right-hand corner. After reviewing this evidence, chills were sent down our spines.

Newbie Hunters

As Highland Park Ghost Hunters, our main job is to find any paranormal activity we find around where we live. We explore the most haunted places we find. After reviewing some evidence we found at locations we've searched, we came to the conclusion that it was finally time to release it to the public. This blog follows our journey into the unknown and unexplainable. While following us, you will see things you never thought possible. Join us on our quest to seek out all paranormal activities in Highland Park. We shall soon begin out latest journey into the unknown, and will be updating with pictures soon. Until then, happy hunting!